I had the privilege of attending the Milton Glaser lecture last night at the Society of Illustrators in NY. What struck me most was that I and the members of Studio 1482 approach our work and careers with a very similar philosophy to Mr. Glaser. He spoke about how an artist moves toward failure as a means of achieving success. A series of successive failures leads you on a path to understanding and ultimately success…but then it is time to start that process all over again. Keep moving forward, don’t master something and stop. Hearing those words inside the walls of an institution that promotes 1-style illustrators was quite an interesting juxtaposition of ideologies.
He also spoke of drawing and creating art as the only times when we are truly attentive. Paying attention to something rather than letting it, like life, pass us by. I’ve often thought about how many drawings I’ve made and what that experience is like and how millions of people have never made 1 drawing and never felt that sensation.
Lastly, he spoke of the computer and what it has meant to art and the world in general. What sticks with me is that he said he will always be better on the computer than anyone working now as his “sense of form came about from sources other than the computer.”
It was a great experience listening to someone with his experience and success and his words reminded me very much of words I’ve heard from other very wise people I have known.

drawing of M. Glaser by Greg Betza