Tag Archives: hudson valley art

MATERIAL MEMORY: exhibition at Emerge Gallery by Veronica Lawlor

The Machine Age, acrylic on canvas, 54″ x 30″

Material Memory

Veronica Lawlor’s solo exhibition with Emerge Gallery in Saugerties, NY, from July 15 – August 27, 2023

View the exhibit on Artsy HERE

The show features her on-site reportage drawings of abandoned brickyards of the Hudson Valley and the paintings they inspired, as well as her reportage of the 2017 deconstruction of hte 1930s era Kosciuszko steel truss bridge connecting Brooklyn and Queens, and the paintings inspired by that.

Additional work from the bridge series can be viewed in an Emerge Artsy exclusive companion exhibit HERE.

Thank you to Robert Langdon of Emerge Gallery as well as the Woodstock-Byrdcliffe Guild, the artist residency where Veronica did much of this work in 2022.