Tag Archives: art

American Family Insurance | Greg Betza

American Family Insurance

American Family Insurance | Greg Betza

I have been working on a large series of illustrations for American Family Insurance. With Father’s Day just passing I’m happy to post this first illustration because I was able to use my son as my model.

This Shel Silverstein inspired ad is appearing regionally in issues of Sports Illustrated.

American Family Insurance | Greg Betza

Chicago Magazine Moving on Up | Greg Betza

Chicago Magazine

Had a chance to do some intricate line drawing for this illustration! It was interesting, and almost therapeutic, drawing all of these buildings and windows and streets and antenna and, and, and… And then I got to loosen up and work on a few lifestyle spots of  things happening in front of the architecture. Great layout by the AD too.

Chicago Magazine Moving on Up | Greg Betza


Chicago Magazine Moving on Up | Greg Betza

Chicago Magazine Moving on Up | Greg Betza

Chicago Magazine Moving on Up | Greg Betza

Guy Fieri Grillin’ For Greatness | Greg Betza

Guy Fieri Grillin’ For Greatness

I’ve always been a fan of Guy Fieri, so I was thrilled to get a call to do some illustrations for his Miller Lite Grillin’ For Greatness campaign. Again, I was asked to draw a stadium! First, NBC Sports calls for the Stadium Series and soon after, Guy. The theme behind the stadium imagery is that his recipes (and Miller Lite) can be used during your tailgating parties this football season. Overall a fun project to work on. Here are the illustrations and the final print ads. #grillwithguy

Guy Fieri Grillin’ For Greatness | Greg Betza Guy Fieri Grillin’ For Greatness | Greg Betza Guy Fieri Grillin’ For Greatness | Greg Betza Guy Fieri Grillin’ For Greatness | Greg Betza

Australia’s Oaktree Foundation | Greg Betza

Four Seasons

Australia’s Oaktree Foundation | Greg Betza

It’s been a few years since I’ve worked for Four Seasons magazine, but I’m happy to have been asked to illustrate for them again. My last illustration for them dealt with Doctors Without Borders and this time I was asked to create an illustration for Australia’s Oaktree Foundation. Oaktree is a youth movement aimed at ending extreme poverty. It was amazing to learn about their foundation and to see how this group of young people turned their beliefs into action.

Australia’s Oaktree Foundation | Greg Betza

Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza

Wine & Spirits

I was asked to created an extensive series of illustrations for Wine & Spirits magazine for this month’s special issue on the “Art and Science of Wine Tasting”, including the cover! The only downside was I had about 5 days to do it. Sometimes, if I am available, it is my favorite way to work. Job comes in, focus on it and work constantly until it’s finished…and in just a few short days I’m on to something else.

Anyway…my assignment was to create a series of illustrated montages of wine tasting sessions and to combine the tasters with the colors and elements that make up the particular wine they were tasting. Whether it be the region the wine is from, the ‘notes’ in the taste of the wine, or how the wine is aged, etc., etc.,…I had to create harmonious visuals. I was also asked to illustrate portraits of all of the wine tasters. That was especially fun. I’ve included a few of my favorites below.

And lastly, for the cover I was directed to write out different descriptive words to fill a wine glass. I really loved that idea and think it makes a striking cover. Thanks to Mike at W&S for working through this tight deadline with me.

I’d love to hear what you think!

Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza Art and Science of Wine Tasting | Greg Betza

Investment Advisor | Greg Betza

Investment Advisor

I’m really pleased to share this series I illustrated for Investment Advisor magazine. The topic is heavy, depression and suicide among retired men, and I wanted the illustrations to carry that kind of weight as well. I decided to use textured, somewhat “messy” backgrounds with shaky graphic lines, and slightly uncomfortable designs for the figures…hopefully to give a sense of the topic. I love how everything turned out, and I appreciate the client allowing me total creative freedom on this one.

I’d love to hear what you think…

Investment Advisor | Greg Betza

Investment Advisor | Greg Betza

Investment Advisor | Greg Betza

Investment Advisor | Greg Betza

Tree of Life | Greg Betza

Guitar Aficionado

Tree of Life | Greg Betza

An amazing illustration commission came to me about a month ago. I was asked to illustrate a story about a 100 foot tall Honduran Mahogany that has become a legend to guitar makers. The tree was found and felled nearly 50 years ago, but it fell in a ravine and could not be extricated. 16 years later it was rediscovered, purchased, and it’s figuring and pattern (in the grain of the wood) were discovered. Long story short, the wood became legend. It’s tone was beautiful, its look, incredible, and people pay top dollar today to find any wood still available from this one tree. Read the article, it’s really interesting…

This illustration is a double-page vertical spread. Can’t wait to see the print version!

Waitrose Kitchen | Greg Betza

Waitrose Kitchen

I had a chance to learn about cricket! Waitrose Kitchen, the magazine of the British luxury supermarket chain Waitrose, asked me to do a series of illustrations to accompany a story about ‘team’ of cricket player chefs, restaurateurs and foodies. Unusual combination, but I always enjoy illustrating a topic I know very little about. Here are the drawings of the cricket pavilion, stumps, ball…and of course, tea and scones!

Waitrose Kitchen | Greg Betza

Waitrose Kitchen | Greg Betza

Waitrose Kitchen | Greg Betza

Waitrose Kitchen | Greg Betza

Sketching The Line | Greg Betza

Sketching The Line

I’m honored to be included in the Canadian ART IN TRANSIT show “Sketching The Line”, an exhibition of reportage drawings made while of commuters and subway-goers.
Back in 2007-8 I took advantage of my time on NYC subways by drawing anyone I could. For practice, yes, and because I just love to do it. I find that the older I get, my career and the opportunities presented to me all seem to fall in line with my interests. A lot can be said about continuing to “do what you love”. Do the work that you want to do and that work will continue to find you. If you’d like to see more of my drawings from the commute, click here

Thank you to Sharon for organizing the exhibition.

More about the show from their website:

“An international exhibition of 78 sketches drawn by 13 artists from around the globe, features brief impressions of fellow commuters that document place, time and movement while simultaneously revealing a myriad of personal moments.”

Sketching The Line | Greg Betza

Public Speaking | Greg Betza

Public Speaking

Public Speaking | Greg Betza

Apparently Pearson has been publishing this book for quite some time and was looking to update the cover. From what I was told they always use illustrated covers for this series, so I was thrilled when my work was selected for the ninth edition.

Public speaking has never been my favorite activity, but it was a fun cover to do! And I hope it helps me warm to the idea of speaking in front of large crowds.

Thanks to Maria, Carolyn and Mika for thinking of me for the illustration.

DRAFT magazine | Greg Betza

DRAFT magazine

Sometimes I’m amazed at just how fitting a job is for me…as if the client knew me in advance. When I was asked to illustrate a feature for DRAFT magazine, I was thrilled. For those that know me, I’m a HUGE fan of craft beer and DRAFT asked me to illustrate a beer release party! Needless to say this was a fun piece to do…I even used a few friends as models…and oh yeah, my beautiful wife Despina. She’s a beer lover too so playing this role wasn’t too much of a stretch for her.

DRAFT magazine | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

As many of you know, I designed and illustrated the animated commercial for the 2014 NHL Stadium Series. Yesterday I was fortunate enough to witness the action first-hand. I thought it would be great to draw from the actual event…so I did. I have to say it wasn’t the easiest event to capture, with temperatures in the low 20s to high teens, my hands didn’t always do what I had ‘instructed’ them to do (I think they were partially frozen). But all in all I’m happy with the small reportage that came out of the day. There were more than 50,000 fans in attendance and with the absurd amount of clothes they were wearing, it was packed tight in that stadium. And I’m happy to report, the cold did not temper the ‘creative’ language common to most hockey fans. And with the added tension of the NJ Devils hosting the NY Rangers, in New York, the love affair between the two states was on display, constantly!

It was a GREAT event, and thank you to Let’s Talk Tickets for getting me great seats.

There is another game Wednesday evening at Yankee Stadium and for those of you in the mid-west, the final game of the Stadium Series will take place in Chicago on March 1. I highly recommend it.

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza Stadium Series at Yankee Stadium | Greg Betza

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

NHL Stadium Series Animation!

Happy New Year everyone! I couldn’t be more excited to share my latest commission with you…an animation for the inaugural games of the National Hockey League’s Stadium Series! It will air for the first time on New Year’s Day during the Winter Classic on NBC.

From the time I became interested in illustration as a career I have wanted to work in film and motion. I used to experiment with video and animation and I’ve worked as a storyboard artist and concept designer, but I had yet to put my stamp on a project until this opportunity came my way late last year.

When I received the call from NBC Sports naturally I was excited, but when I found out it was for ice hockey, I could not believe it. I have been a life long fan of hockey…I even play (street hockey) every Sunday.

I’d like to thank Lorin and Lindsay and the whole team at NBC Sports for having the creative vision to do something DIFFERENT on national television, and for allowing the creative vision to come to life. I would also like to thank the members of Studio 1482 for their support, and  fellow Studio 1482 member Despina Georgiadis for her brilliant work with the art direction and storyboards.

Last but not least, a special thanks to J.J. Sedelmaier, who worked as the animator on the project. His professionalism, experience, and sense of humor made the process seamless and enjoyable from the first frame to the last.

Below are some shots of the process and the animation. You can also view the animation on YouTube and Vimeo.

NHL Stadium Series Animation from greg betza on Vimeo.

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza


NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Early storyboard frames of action

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Early storyboard frame

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

From table to wall to floor. Repeat.

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Coming together!

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Key frame color exploration

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Key frame color exploration

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Working on a Wacom Cintiq 22HD

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

The “PERFECT” sequence

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Yankee Stadium key frame

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Dodger Stadium key frame

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Drop em’ in!

NHL Stadium Series Animation! | Greg Betza

Rangers vs. Devils key frame

Navy Pier Ferris Wheel Chicago | Greg Betza


Navy Pier Ferris Wheel Chicago | Greg Betza

Last week, Studio 1482 illustrator Dominick Santise and I attended the Workbook Creative Carnival in Chicago. We then spent the next 2 days creating reportage drawings around the city. Now I love NY, but Chicago is like a friendly, clean, slightly more relaxed version…which frankly is nice from time to time. We navigated the city by foot, walking from landmark to landmark, checking out the wonderful public art all along the way, Picasso, Chagall, Dubuffet, etc. It was an inspiring few days and I’m excited to share of few of my drawings with you.

Navy Pier Chicago | Greg Betza

Chicago Bean | Greg Betza

Chicago Theater | Greg Betza

Chicago People | Greg Betza

Chicago River | Greg Betza

Willis Tower Chicago | Greg Betza

Picasso Chicago | Greg Betza

Chicago Theater | Greg Betza

Trump Chicago | Greg Betza

The Robb Report’s Private Aviation Sourcebook | Greg Betza

Retrofitting Your Aircraft

Here is a piece I worked on last month for The Robb Report’s Private Aviation Sourcebook. The piece was about how to “retrofit” your aircraft, basically a plane “make-over”. It was fun to do and a chance to play around with a relatively straight forward piece. I’d love to hear what you think.

The Robb Report’s Private Aviation Sourcebook | Greg Betza