The Highline, with new buildings under construction. NYC reportage.
The Highline, with new buildings under construction. NYC reportage.
client: Chicago Booth School of Business
Animated sequence, An Inconvenient Time-The Story of Ruth Ravina
Animated sequence, An Inconvenient Time-The Story of Ruth Ravina
Animated sequence, An Inconvenient Time-The Story of Ruth Ravina
Traffic-free Times Square
Traffic-free Times Square
Ground Zero rebuilding, New York City
Ground Zero rebuilding, New York City
Ken Burns Vietnam Documentary | client: PBS/Atlantic Re:think
Ken Burns Vietnam Documentary | client: PBS/Atlantic Re:think
Ken Burns Vietnam Documentary | client: PBS/Atlantic Re:think
Ken Burns Vietnam Documentary | client: PBS/Atlantic Re:think
Ken Burns Vietnam Documentary | client: PBS/Atlantic Re:think
Ken Burns Vietnam Documentary | client: PBS/Atlantic Re:think