landscape - Studio 1482 Illustration

Central Park Seasons NYU Hassenfeld

Central Park through the seasons. Animation and set illustration for the digital interactive children’s game: City Explorer, a wall sized installation at the Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital, NYU Kimmel Pavilion. The children can wave their arms and change the seasons by knocking leaves off the trees, and then, make them bloom again.

The installation was awarded by the Society of Experiential Design (SEGD) in 2019. Read the post HERE.

Created with Potion Design. Client: NYU Hassenfeld


DaVinci Wine | client: E&J Gallo

The Newbury Holiday 2020

Winter view of Boston Public Garden and The Newbury Hotel. Reportage illustration created for The Newbury holiday 2020 promotion.

Local Living: Pruning the Garden in Winter

Editorial illustration for the cover of the Washington Post Local Living section, for an article about gardening work that can be done during the winter months. Pen and ink with watercolor.

Bandshell Picnic

A summer’s day picnic at the bandshell, for Chase Private Client.

NJ Web Design: Media Climb